The 1th International Seminar on the Language Teaching, Lingustics, Literature, and Art (INSEOLETA), October 30th, 2024, Department of Language Education and Arts, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. University of Bengkulu

TimeAgendaPerson in Charge (PIC)Place
Opening Ceremony
07.30-08.00Participant RegistrationHostThe Dean Hall of the FKIP University of Bengkulu and Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 96975998305 Passcode: inseoleta
08.01-08.03Opening by MCSeza Yolanda Putri and Rendi Supriadi
08.03-08.12Welcoming DanceDepartment of Language Education and Arts students
08.12-08.15National Anthem-Indonesia RayaMaster of Ceremony
08.16-08.21Report of Chairperson of the 1st INSOELETADr. Noermanzah, M.Pd.
08.22-08.25Welcoming Speech from the Head of Department of Language and Arts EducationDr. Irma Diani, M.Hum.
08.26-08.35Welcoming Speech from Dean of the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, UNIBAbdul Rahman, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
08.36-08.45Opening Speech from Rector of UNIBDr. Retno Agustina Eka Putri, M.Sc.
08.46-08.50PrayerMuhammad Fadhli, M.Pd.
08.50-08.55Closing and Photo SessionSeza Yolanda Putri and Rendi Supriadi
08.55-09.00Musikalisasi Puisi Musicalization of Poetry by Students of Indonesian Language and LiteratureDepartment of Language Education and Arts students  
Keynote Speakers Session 
Session 1 (Online Session)Moderator: Lia Haryana, S.Pd., M.Pd.The Dean Hall of the FKIP University of Bengkulu
09.00-09.15Keynote Speaker 1
Topic: Implementation of Flipped Learning in Indonesian Language Learning in Korean Universities            
Prof. Koh Young Hun, Ph.D. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul Korea Selatan)Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 96975998305 Passcode: inseoleta
09.16-09.30Keynote Speaker 2
Topic: BIPA Development
Prof. Emi Emilia, M.Ed., Ph.D. (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia)
09.31-09.45QnA SessionZoom Meeting
09.46-10.00Keynote Speaker 3
Topic: Blending Traditional and Digital Approaches: Enhancing English Language Literacy through Hybrid Learning Models  
Dr. Shanina Bt Sharatol Ahmad Shah (Universiti Malaya, Malaysia)Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 96975998305 Passcode: inseoleta
10.01-10.15 Keynote Speaker 4  Prof. Safnil, M.A., Ph.D. (Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia)  The Dean Hall of the FKIP University of Bengkulu
10.16-10.30QnA SessionZoom Meeting
10.31-10.40Coffee BreakThe Dean Hall of the FKIP University of Bengkulu
Session 2 (Online Session)Moderator: Perti Rosanda, S.Pd., M.A.The Dean Hall of the FKIP University of Bengkulu
10.41-10.55Keynote Speaker 5          Rimajon Sotlikova, Ph.D. (Webster University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan)  Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 96975998305 Passcode: inseoleta
10.56-11.10Keynote Speaker 6
Topic: The Role of 6C Integration with Digital Technology In 21st Century Language Learning in Higher Education 
Prof. Dr. Ninuk Lustyantie, M.Pd. (Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia)
11.11-11.25QnA SessionZoom Meeting
11.26-11.40Keynote Speaker 7  Michelle Dally, M.A. (University of Limerick, Irlandia)  Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 96975998305 Passcode: inseoleta
11.41-11.55Keynote Speaker 8  Prof. Dr. Arono, M.Pd. (Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia)The Dean Hall of the FKIP University of Bengkulu
11.56-12.10QnA SessionZoom Meeting
12.10-13.10Break TimeZoom Meeting
13.11-16.00Parallel Sessions / Break Out RoomsThe Dean Hall of the FKIP University of Bengkulu and Zoom Meeting


Join Zoom Meeting    :
Meeting ID                  : 969 7599 8305Passcode                     : inseoleta

Room 1 (via Zoom)
No.TimeName of PresenterInstitutionTitle of the Paper
113.00-13.15MaghfirahUniversitas Syiah KualaTeaching English to Junior High School: A Focus on Problems and Solutions
213.15-13.30KarmeliUniversitas BengkuluIllocutionary Speech Acts in Grade XI Students of Automotive Expertise Program at SMK Negeri 2 Bengkulu Tengah
313.30-13.45Arida RissantiMAN 2 Kota BengkuluIndonesian Language Learning Model in the Independent Curriculum
413.45-14.00Ria AngrainiUniversitas Muhammadiyah BengkuluTechnological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Integrated in Project Based Learning of English for Young Learners
514.00-14.15Elva PuspitasariMTs Negeri 1 Kota BengkuluPersuasive Language in Advertisements to Prevent Stunting by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
614.15-14.30Adelia PuspaUniversitas BengkuluBenefits and Challenges of the Use of Generative AI in English Learning in Higher Education: Students’ Voices
Room 2 (via Zoom)
No.TimeName of PresenterInstitutionTitle of the Paper
113.00-13.15Yupika MaryansyahUniversitas Muhammadiyah BengkuluAI’s Functions and Influences Among Students in Indonesian Context
213.15-13.30Meli AfroditaUniversity of BengkuluOptimizing Students’ Critical Reading Ability through Local Wisdom-Based Metaphorming Learning and Flip Application in Reading Skills Course
313.30-13.45Vitria Elva FlorentinaUniversitas Muhammadiyah BengkuluThe Use of Youtube Videos as a Learning Media for Writing Lecture Texts for Class XI Accounting Students of SMK Negeri 4 Rejang Lebong
413.45-14.00Putri MaylizaUniversitas Syiah KualaThe Impact of Age, Motivation, and Experience on Second Language Acquisition: Does Age Really Matter in Learning English?
514.00-14.15Lilik HerawatiIAIN Syekh Nurjati CirebonMale Authors’ Stereotypes of Female Exploitation in 18+ Novels: A Feminist Literary Criticism Study
614.15-14.30Dwi Lyna SariUniversitas BengkuluStimulating Early Reading Skills in Early Childhood through Digital Book Media
Room 3 (via Zoom)
No.TimeName of PresenterInstitutionTitle of the Paper
113.00-13.15Lathifah LamisUniversitas Muhammadiyah BengkuluThe Use of Learning Video Media in Listening Skills of Animated Stories of Class V Students of Elementary School 118 North Bengkulu
213.15-13.30Muhammad RahmatUniversitas Syiah KualaExploring Undergraduate Students’ Motivation in Joining English Training for IISMA Scholarship Preparation
313.30-13.45Ildi KurniawanUniversity of BengkuluDeveloping Teachers’ Professionalism by Imposing Leadership Project
413.45-14.00Mely PuspitasariSMP Negeri 12 Kota BengkuluCode Switching in Trade Banner Advertisements in Bengkulu City to Attract Consumer Attention
514.00-14.15Nurul MusallamahUniversitas BengkuluFirst Language Interference in Writing Students Essay of Class IX MTs N 1 Bengkulu Utara
614.15-14.30FadhlisaUniversitas Syiah KualaTechnology and Second Language Acquisition: Students Attitudes Towards the Use of Duolingo as a Digital Tools in English Language Learning Media
Room 4 (via Zoom)
No.TimeName of PresenterInstitutionTitle of the Paper
113.00-13.15Rismar RiansihUniversitas BengkuluDiscussion Text Writing Instruction Using Project-Based Learning with STEAM Integration: A Literature Review
213.15-13.30Silma Nury AnzilaUniversitas Syiah KualaSociocultural Factors in Second Language Learning: A Case Study of Thai Students at Syiah Kuala University
313.30-13.45Evi Rosyani DewiUniversitas Negeri JakartaScratch as an Optimal Media in Microlearning Approach
413.45-14.00Dwi Bayu SaputraUniversity of BengkuluAudio Feedback: An Alternative to Providing Feedback in Higher Education
514.00-14.15Reni KusmiartiUniversitas Muhammadiyah BengkuluVerbal Phrase Construction in the novel Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi: A Linguistic Approach
614.15-14.30Lia HaryanaUniversitas BengkuluAn Investigation of the Implementation of Peer Feedback Activities in Higher Education: Non-English Students’ Voices
Room 5 (via Zoom)
No.TimeName of PresenterInstitutionTitle of the Paper
113.00-13.15Aji SeptiajiUniversitas MajalengkaThe Absurdity of Female Characters in Mystery Genre Short Stories
213.15-13.30Ingret NoversiSMA Negeri 8 Kota BengkuluStructure and Content of the Independent Curriculum in Indonesian Language Subjects
313.30-13.45SuryadiUniversitas BengkuluHuman Instruments in Language Research
413.45-14.00Zahara A’liaUniversitas Syiah KualaThe Use of Inquiry Learning Strategies in Enhancing Critical Thinking: An In-Depth Interview on ESL Students
514.00-14.15Dina SuselaUniversitas BengkuluAnalysis of the Language Style of the Song “Berakhir di Aku” Original Soundtrack Home Sweet Loan by Idgitaf
614.15-14.30Lathifah LamisUniversitas Muhammadiyah BengkuluThe Use of Illocutionary Speech Acts in Indonesian Language Learning for Grade IV Students of SD Negeri 118 Bengkulu Utara
Room 6 (via Zoom)
No.TimeName of PresenterInstitutionTitle of the Paper
113.00-13.15Helga Juwita PratamaUniversitas BengkuluSpeech Acts (Locutionary, Illocutionary and Perlocutionary) in Beauty Product Advertisements on the Tik Tok Platform
213.15-13.30Jeni Padila Nopita SariUniversitas Muhammadiyah BengkuluMorphological Error Analysis in YouTube Channel “Hari Jisun”
313.30-13.45Diti JulianaUniversitas BengkuluMorphological Interference Analysis on News Collections in the Bengkulu Info Instagram Account
413.45-14.00AnnisaturaihanUniversitas Syiah KualaTechnology and Second Language Acquisition: The Opportunities and Challenges of Tik Tok in Improving Speaking Skill
514.00-14.15Mutiara Silvia UtamiUniversitas BengkuluSemantic Analysis of the Poem “Full Celebration” by Adhan Akram Mutiara Silvia Utami
614.15-14.30Rin SurtantiniEnglish Institute, MagelangEngaging with English as a Vocational Subject in Merdeka Curriculum: Giving It an Attempt to Analyze and Adapt
Room 7 (via Zoom)
No.TimeName of PresenterInstitutionTitle of the Paper
113.00-13.15KasmainiUniversitas BengkuluRhetorical Analysis of Discussion Section of an Article in Scopus Indexed International Journal
213.15-13.30Ida NuraeniTadulako UniversityDynamic Assessment in Learning Speaking Skills for High School Students
313.30-13.45Ira MaisarahUniversity of BengkuluExploring the Use of Google Translate in English Language Learning Among Electrical Engineering Students at University of Bengkulu
413.45-14.00Irma SolinaRiau UniversityUtilization of Technology in the Digital Era for Learning Indonesian Language and Literature
514.00-14.15Putri KurniaUniversitas BengkuluSpeech Acts in the Novel Cantik Itu Luka by Eka Kurniawan
614.15-14.30Dian Eka Chandra WardhanaUniversitas BengkuluIndonesian in the Digital Era: Analysis of the Emergence of GAP and Novelty in Academic Texts to Represent the Author Hots
714.30-14.45Herzon DeostianSMK Agribisnis Dangau DatukDiscourse Analysis of Public Opinion Formation in the latest news on Teenage Rape Cases via Kompas.Com
          Room 8 (via Zoom)
No.TimeName of PresenterInstitutionTitle of the Paper
113.00-13.15Ria AriestaUniversitas BengkuluAnalysis of Indonesian Language Teaching Modules for Junior High School Level
213.15-13.30Agung SuhadiUniversity of BengkuluThe Learning Model through Drama-Based Instruction for Developing Students’ Speaking Activities and Creativity: Review Articles
313.30-13.45M. Rosaz AnthonyDinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa Provinsi BengkuluSpeaking Learning Model on Project Based Learning with Video Game Vocabulary in Improving Japanese Speaking Skills
413.45-14.00Ahmad Amin DalimunteUniversitas Islam Negeri Sumatera UtaraMulticultural Values in English Education Textbook at Indonesian Primary Schools: A Critical Analysis
514.00-14.15Angga DwinkaUniversitas BengkuluArtificial Intelligences Assisted Discovery Learning Model in Analyzing Text
614.15-14.30Ritmha Candra ArieshaSMP NEGERI 1 KEPAHIANGStructural and Linguistic Analysis of Regional Head Election Campaign Billboards in Kepahiang Regency in 2024
  Room 9 (On site, at Hall, Dekanat FKIP UNIB) 
No.TimeName of PresenterInstitutionTitle of the Paper
113.00-13.15Agus TriantoUniversitas BengkuluTeaching Indonesian in the Merdeka Curriculum
213.15-13.30Agung NugrohoUniversitas PGRI SilampariValidity and Realibility Testing of Reading Instruments Embedded with Minimum Competency Asesment in Elementary Scholls
313.30-13.45Nafri YantiUniversitas BengkuluThe Implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Development Process of Media for Viewing-Based Learning
413.45-14.00JuwatiUniversitas PGRI SilampariDevelopment of Teaching Materials for Regional Language and Literature Courses Based on Digital Literacy for Students of PGRI Silampari University
514.00-14.15NoermanzahUniversitas BengkuluImproving Student Literacy in Learning Indonesian through Genre Based Pedagogy
614.15-14.30AndriadiUIN Fatmawati Sukarno BengkuluDoes 7e Cycle Model Improve Learning Environment? Evidence From Popular Fiction Classes
714.30-14.45Irma DianiUniversitas BengkuluToponymy of Various Place Names as an Effort to Preserve Local Wisdom in Bengkulu Province
814.45-15.00NafisahUniversitas BengkuluTraces of Integration of Local Culture and Islam in Ulu Bi-Script Manuscripts: Preliminary Notes
Room 10 (On site, at International Room, Dekanat FKIP UNIB) 
113.00-13.15KhoirunnisaUniversitas PGRI SilampariApplication of Meaningful Learning Model to The Ability Narrate Interview Activities
213.15-13.30Indah DamayantiUniversity of BengkuluGender Paradox in John Steinbeck’s “The Harness (1938)
313.30-13.45Iis SujarwatiUniversitas BengkuluUnlocking Potential: Gamified Flipped Classroom for English Vocabulary Development in Diverse Academic Setting
413.45-14.00Novus Adelia AuroraUniversitas PGRI SilampariCharacteristics of Persuasive Language in Advertising Texts and Implementation in Indonesian Language Learning at The Junior High School Level
514.00-14.15Edi GunawanUniversitas BengkuluThe Structure of Traditional Medical Texts in Ulu Manunscripts
614.15-14.30Dian Ramadan LazuardiUniversitas PGRI SilampariDevelopment of Teaching Materials in Indonesian Language Courses for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) Based on Cultural Literacy
714.30-14.45Yayah ChanafiahUniversitas BengkuluDeveloping Plot Twist and Gimmick Through the Easy Voice Recorder Application As A Strategy for Developing Creative Writing of Students of Indonesian Language Education Study Program, FKIP, University of Bengkulu
814.45-15.00Ira MaisarahUniversity of BengkuluExploring the Use of Google Translate in English Language Learning Among Electrical Engineering Students at University of Bengkulu

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